
Some places are known for their beaches, some for their mountains. Massachusetts’ claim to fame is the Cape and the islands, its sports teams (good and disastrous), and one of the largest Saint Patrick’s Day parades in the USA.

Doesn’t EVERY BOOK START With Chapter 35?
I’m no psychologist, but I’ve discovered a handy prescription to help solve Life’s puzzles: to place myself inside people or situations that elude me, and write from that place until their “why” becomes clear.

FROM SHORTS to a NOVEL and who’s really in charge
Since I began writing in earnest—either pounding the keyboard for hours at a time or in a cloud somewhere working out a plot mess I’d gotten myself into––all of which in my mind counts equally as writing––it’s been a passion akin to breathing air. It’s hard to imagine I halflived through so many other occupations. THIS is what I should have done during my entire life.